The best Sales Pros are master relationship builders.
Join this Meetup Group for a free session on building productive relationships this Tuesday, January 29, 2019 from 7:00 to 7:30 PM. Here is the free Meetup Group link to join this WebEx-style meeting:
According to Dale Carnegie Training: “Clients today are prepared. They’ve already been on your website. They’ve seen your products, your promotions and your customer reviews. They’ve been on your competitor’s websites too, offering the same products for the same prices.
Today’s savvy sales executives are doing something more than the rest. They are building relationships. They are committed to the success of their client. They understand that enduring partnerships are the key to positive outcomes for all.
A lasting business relationship is built one conversation at a time, and it all begins with attentive listening.”
At this WebEx Meetup you will learn the 5 Steps to Building the Customer Relationship.
This is a WebEx Meetup online. Here is the free session link for Tuesday, January 29, 2019 from 7:00 to 7:30 PM >>